About MiRo Psychometrics

The MiRo Assessment is based on a simple online questionnaire, which takes no more than 15 minutes to complete. The results will be fairly consistent over time but MiRo can also give you some information about what might be happening for you right now.

There are no right or wrong answers of course and the result that you will gain will be directly connected to the answers that you give so if you are taking as assessment the trick is to try to be as honest as possible. That way the result that you get will most accurately reflect who you really are and how you really behave.

How it works

The Jungian Chart

The assessment is looking at two main dichotomies. The first weighs your tendency to see the world in terms of concrete, here and now sense data against more conceptual, intangible, future based perception. This can also be understood as a tendency to see that word as a place that is either more or less powerful than us as an individual human being. That is to say, somewhere that either does or does not tend to bend to our will. It also measures how we tend to make decisions, either by rational analytical processes or through more empathic, personal reasoning. This too can be conceived of in terms of our relationship with our environment in that some of us tend to see the world as a generally benign and co-operative place while others see it as a competitive and potentially hostile one. Of course both are true at different times and both styles are appropriate at different times. It's important to remember too that we all have access to all behavioural modes to greater or lesser extent so none of this is an excuse. It is simply that we all tend to lean in one direction or another.

The assessment also looks at the qualities of introversion and extroversion. This is called our attitude and governs how we tend to use the functions described above. The MiRo assessment uncovers all of these preferences, to reveal our behavioural "handedness". MiRo doesn't strictly categorize though and tries to deal with degree wherever possible so results are often given in graphic form. The system recognizes that we can behave in any way we chose but also that we all tend to favour one or two particular modes of behaviour over the others.


Once you have taken the assessment you will receive a full report explaining which of the modes you have a tendency to use and which you have a tendency to avoid. It will tell you what the advantages of your particular make-up are and what some of the potential pit falls might be too. It will give you tips on communication and on dealing with people with other behavioural preferences along with a few ideas about how to develop new behavioural habits. There is also information on dealing with change, leadership, relationship building and more. Your practitioner can also create team maps and reports based on your and your colleagues results.

The Four Behavioural Modes

All assessments are administered by an accredited MiRo practitioner who will be pleased to help you to understand and to get the best out of your assessment in complete confidence. The MiRo system is designed to help you and our practitioners are trained to make sure that that is the case. If you need to know anything, just ask.

The Four Behavioural Modes

The four basic behavioural modes have been called lots of things down through the ages. I the ancient word they were called the four humours, while Jung called them functional types and Marsden called them the four basic traits: These are the four behavioural modes in MiRo and they are called the Driving Mode (Red), The Energising Mode (Yellow), The Organising Mode (Green) and the Analysing Mode (Blue). More details about each behavioural mode is below.

Characteristics of each behavioural mode

Each behavioural mode also has different characteristics, that we define in the following four categories: what they are motivated by, their type of anxiety, their management style and their communication style.

  Driving Organising Energising Analysing
Motivated by Control & Success Well-being & Harmony Relationships & Acknowledgement Logic & Rationality
Anxiety Type Failure Uncertainty Rejection Discord
Management Style Autocratic Consistent Motivational Systematic
Communication Style Direct Supportive Persuasion Exacting

We all use all four modes, but probably prefer to use one more than the rest. On taking an assessment you will get a profile that shows your preference for each of the modes, and typically how you like to behave.

All behaviour modes are equally valid. “Drivers” are useful, as are “Analysers”. If you take a MiRo Psychometrics assessment it is not a "test" that you can do well at - it just helps you understand more about how you behave.